Mark geometry nodes AND material as single asset
I've downloaded this simple yet powerful generator
it uses a geometry nodes setup and a procedural material. I'd like to mark them as single asset, so that I can import the whole generator into other projects by simply dragging it from the Asset browser to the viewport. I've tried the "mark as asset" option on both the geometry node setup and the material, but they appear as two separate files in the asset browser.
Any advice?
This goes against the definition of an asset :
An asset is a data-block with meaning. (
You can't have an asset be two different data-blocks.
You can however mark a dummy object (eg a Cube) that contains both the geometry nodes tree and the material, and use that as a vessel to import these 2 data blocks in your work files.
Another solution is to reference the material isinde the Geometry Nodes tree and mark it as an asset. When you drag the GN modifier on an object the material will be referenced along. Here's a minimal example :